【トラック情報】 01. So happy in this house 02. You were never there 03. What did you do on that date 04. Warrior did not come 05. Are ghosts crying for me? 06. The best hide-and-seek player in the world 07. The air grows cold 08. I’m having a nightmare 09. He’s not playing with us 10. Non-Living suite 11. Non-Living
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Soundtrack サウンドトラック サントラ OST 映画サントラ CD ホラー映画 ホラー音楽 映画音楽 Josué_Vergara Josue Vergara Josue_Vergara non living non_living
音楽はJosué Vergara。
01. So happy in this house
02. You were never there
03. What did you do on that date
04. Warrior did not come
05. Are ghosts crying for me?
06. The best hide-and-seek player in the world
07. The air grows cold
08. I’m having a nightmare
09. He’s not playing with us
10. Non-Living suite
11. Non-Living
Soundtrack サウンドトラック サントラ OST 映画サントラ CD
ホラー映画 ホラー音楽 映画音楽 Josué_Vergara Josue Vergara Josue_Vergara non living non_living